Staff Appreciation
Staff Wish List
If gifts are your language of appreciation, please consider checking out this this staff wish list on Amazon. It'll be updated as needs arise. (At point of purchase, you can select to have the items shipped directly to Ockley Green.)
If gifts are your language of appreciation, please consider checking out this this staff wish list on Amazon. It'll be updated as needs arise. (At point of purchase, you can select to have the items shipped directly to Ockley Green.)
To show all Ockley Green staff our appreciation for everything they do each day to benefit our students!
To show all Ockley Green staff our appreciation for everything they do each day to benefit our students!
Staff room upkeep
Planning and organizing staff appreciation events throughout the school year
How Can I Help?
Weekly Tidy Up: 1 hour per month commitment; Volunteer will choose either the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th week of each month to go in and tidy the space
Tasks include: Wipe down counters & tables, wash any dishes in sink, clean microwave, pick up any stray trash, put clean dishes in drainboard away in cupboards.
Special Event Support
Family Conference Potluck for Staff
Help stock the staff room
In order of priority, we are looking for:
Coffee filters (“bucket” shape, #4 size)
Good quality tea in tea bags (please, no "loose leaf" tea)
Hot chocolate (packets or large container)
Apple cider (packets or large container)
Whether you're interested in helping out just one time or you'd like to join the Staff Appreciation team, we'd love to hear from you at
National Days of Recognition
National Principals’ Month
Families are encouraged to send a friendly note or card to Ms. Rierson, Ms. Green & Ms. Rodgers
OG Supporters gifted flowers & cards on Monday, October 2nd to show our collective appreciation
Custodian Appreciation Day | October 2
OG Supporters gave cards & a basket of candy to our custodial team to show our appreciation
School Psychologist Week | November 11-15
Families are encouraged to send a friendly note or card
Special Education Day | December 2
Families are encouraged to send a friendly note or card to our SPED Team: Ms. Harbauer, Mr. Herrin, Ms. Sheridan, Ms. Kuntz, Ms. Ronhaar, and Ms. Valle Riestra
School Counseling Appreciation Week | February 3-7
School Social Worker Appreciation Week | March 2-8
National School Librarians/Library Week (Media Specialists) | April 16th
School Bus Driver Appreciation Day | April 22
Administrative Professionals Day | April 23
School Nutrition Staff Day (School Lunch Hero Day) | May 2
School Nurse Appreciation Day | May 8
National Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week | May 5-9
This will be the “big staff appreciation event” of the school year, celebrating all staff with something each day of the week.